Thursday, October 28, 2010

What should the Police Do!

Recent police shootings have come under heavy criticism from the public, who feel that excessive force is being used. Officers it appears are 'shooting first and asking questions later', not making what some may say are good judgement calls. What complicates these events is when it seems that police are being selective who they fire upon, apparently following into a dangerous trap of stereotyping.

Be it as it may, officers have a dangerous job and like me and you want to enjoy life and live to see retirement. If we expect better performance from the police on the street then we must make the police leadership provide reasonable solutions and alternatives to the application of force.

At the same time we must also support the efforts of the police as they risk their lives daily to ensure we can all enjoy the freedoms of this land. The police must be encouraged to what is necessary to curb crime in this country, but must not become criminal in their efforts!

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