Friday, May 7, 2010

Just scratching the Surface

If the what we are seeing recently in the police is a sign questionable recruitment practices and inadequate training, then we must ask what other issues lay hidden waiting to rear its ugly head. Currently the prosepective police under go what is called an extended interview process, where the potential candidate spends two days on campus undergoing both physical and psychological assessments. By comparison, I am not aware of any other organization / company locally that undertakes such a rigorous process. You must also bear in mind that those who make it to this phase would have also had to have passed an entrance exam.

With such a comprehensive approach, then we must ask what goes wrong, maybe the results of these assessments are not adhered too or maybe because of other external influences.

Similarly the training process is very extensive, and really, based on organizational policy takes 2 years to complete, yes the equivalent of a college degree. So what again I ask what is going wrong? Why is such a comprehensive, admired and exhaustive program finding itself wanting?

Some would say that no system is perfect, I agree with this never the less the proof is in the pudding. As indicated the new, we can still call him 'new' Commissioner has a task. He must tidy inside the house and outside and at the same time keep the country safe from crime and reduce the fear of it also.

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