Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Policing the Police

What a task in front of him, new Commissioner of Police has the apparently daunting task of not only policing the Community at large but also the members of his organization. In the last few weeks we have seen several officers brought before the courts on a variety of charges and allegations. It does not look good for the Force.., or does it?

When we see anyone or organization without hesitation dealing with his or their organizations faults we think it is for the better. The reality folks conray to popular belief the police are not free of their delinquencies. Thus the Commissioner and his leadership team should be commended for their efforts to bring creditability and respect back to the organization. This as painful as it is has to begin from the inside. The public must not just hear the talk but see the actions of cleaning up of the police force.

We totally support these efforts and endorse them as necessary step in ensuring the public regains and maintains the confidence in the police force.

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